Bohemian Violin sells for €149.00 from from VirHarmonic. Jump to the Official Videos of Bohemian Violin. Recordings of Award Wining World Renowned bodies and talent around the globe. VirHarmonic are Master Sample Crafters who bring you Highly Acclaimed solo violin and solo cello as well as beloved word building choral libraries.Joshua Bell Violin features the sound of Bell, playing his rare Stradivarius, carefully recorded in a great space, more than 20,000 samples, programmed with ‘an insane amount of.
They say of the library This micro library contains deep sampled pizzicato with 4 dynamic layers and 4 true sampled round robins. The team at Virharmonic have produced some free beautiful violin instruments, they call it the Violin Freebie, all you need is the free UVI player to host them. You can switch between 9 groups: Solo Violin.
Samples were edited from the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra sample library.